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Child Chinese Conversation Program
Let's celebrate the new year of 2021 with $20 for 21 sessions and more than 20 topics.
Learning with everyday-related themes.This program aims to increase children's exposure to Chinese culture through interesting topics, activities and verbal communication. It is a good opportunity to engage in online interaction with native Chinese teachers and other Chinese learners.
Session time: Friday and Saturday 4:00-4:30 PM (PST)

Topics include 會話主題:
Music 音樂歌曲
Cooking 親子烹飪
Idioms 成語俗諺
STEM 趣味科學
Folklore & History 民間故事
Festival 節日慶典
Travel 旅遊觀光
Kung Fu 傳統武術
Food 飲食文化
Board Game 益智桌遊
Explore more topics 探索更多主題
Other programs for kids 其他學習資源
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